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Pussy Tourette

PUSSY TOURETTE, the San Francisco-based, gender-bending musical phenomenon makes Ru-Paul look like a Disney character. His dangerous, hard-driving, and bluesy debut release, “Pussy Tourette in HI-FI” has independently moved over seven thousand units and garnered rave reviews nationwide. Pussy’s first video release, the thirty-five thousand dollar production of “French Bitch”, which BABBLE magazine says Has redefined the concept of male drag, has been included by all major video pools. According td Street Sounds Magazine, The video for “French Bitch”·(which, hello, kicked off Telegenics’ progressive reel) is currently stifling conversations from coast to coast. The RockAmerica dance remix of the video is now hitting the club scene – hard. Touring clubs nationally, Pussy Tourette has developed a fanatical following which kicked into hyperdrive after his appearance before literally millions on C-SPAN and live at the National March on Washington for Gay & Lesbian Rights. Of the D.C. performance, Cliff Eastwick of Atlanta’s ETC Magazine declared “Pussy made the last year worth living!”

Beginning as a go-go dancer at San Francisco’s teeming underground clubs, Pussy was acclaimed the hottest and sauciest act on the city’s cabaret scene” by The City Magazine, when he started singing his original compositions live. No lip-synching impersonator, The San Francisco Bay Times cheered “One true star who will not compromise art…true, over-the-top brilliant.

In Florida, David Magazine called the show “Incomparable” Babble Magazine in Chicago shouted, “I’ve been waiting for someone like PUSSY TOURETTE for a long long time. His songs will become underground classics. Goldy Van DeWater in Near York’s QW said, “when they sang ‘Fuck My Pussy’ (‘Pussy’s Boogie), they were saying it for me!”

Continuing his multi-media conquest, five Pussy Tourette songs are featured in SEX IS, which won the “Best Day Film” Award at Berlin’s International Film festival, and his song ‘Bridget’ will appear on the TJ Martel Foundation’s “Rock ‘n’ Dream DISCovery CD compilation,

PUSSY TOURETTE originated during the spring of 1990 at a club in San Francisco called Dekadence. Working as a go-go dancer to support his music lessons and college, he developed an act that involved elements of striptease and drag. Soon dancers and clubgoers were congregating to watch.

Over the months Pussy refined his performance and began looking for other venues to perform. He began writing his own music and added two female backup singers to the act. With the help of a prominent professional audio equipment designer and engineer/producer, Pussy composed and produced music to sing to on stage at Dekadence. His first real performance occurred at a fund-raiser for C.O.Y.O.T.E. in October of 1990.Pussy Tourette knew the act was going to be a hit when just three months later he performed at the Strand Theater’s New Year’s Eve Bash. In the following months, he performed over 40 shows at various clubs, street fairs, and cable TV programs around San Francisco. He became a regular at clubs like Faster Pussycat, Klubstitute, and the DNA Lounge to name a few. And, as Pussy says, performed “every fund-raiser on the planet.”

Pussy’s big break came as local newspapers began writing favorable reviews about his music. In the summer of ’92, he performed for a sell-out crowd at S.F. club promoter Gus Beans’ sell-out nightclub, Empire Ballroom, at the Warfield Theater. Excitement and fan support continued to build as Pussy performed on stage at the Folsom Street Fair, S.F.’s Gay Pride Celebration and the Castro Street Fair, and later in Los Angeles.

“In Hi-Fi” a cassette compilation of eight Pussy Tourette songs was released in September of ’92. Local record and book stores such as Tower Records and A Different Light Books carried the cassette and in the ensuing three months, 1,000 copies were sold.

Pussy took some time off at the beginning of the year to finish recording, remixing, and mastering ‘In Hi-Fi 1″ for release on CD. He also completed a music video for the song ‘French Bitch’ which is now getting national club exposure on the reels of Telegenics, ET/Video Link, and Rock America as well as airplay on MTV.

Pussy’s most recent shows were in New York City where he played at the Palladium and at the Limelight for New York’s Style Summit than in Southern Florida for weeks worth of shows cumulating in Fort Lauderdale for their Gay Pride Celebration. Prior to that, he did eight shows in three days at the National Gay and Lesbian March on Washington where he sold 1.800 units of his CD. He finished the weekend off with an appearance on the Main Stage at the Rally on the Mall where he performed before an estimated audience of 750,000 that was broadcast coast to coast live on C-Span’s coverage of the March.

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